Saturday, July 14, 2007

Day 13

Well now it's time to log in just our highlights (as we just wrote something really great and the fucking computer in Arcata, California was being stupid and kicked us off)... since our last entry the crappy things Jason recalls are as follows:
The chain falling off a few more times... AAAARRRRGGGGHHH
Feeling homesick
Not having phone reception when I want it
Getting stung by a bastard of a bee on my temple (as it got into my helmet) while going down hill off the 101
Not knowing how to make the really hard off road hill that we all pushed our bikes up not so horrible for Megan
Stupid dreams about prison
Other unpleasant bodily things I won't go into detail about (read this as censorship by megan)
getting really intense scratches on my legs
Standing in Poison Oak

Really GREAT things:
(There are far too many to list here as it would take up the entire thing but I will give a whole bunch just to preview you to the conversations yet to come)
Meeting up with Elokin and Ami (our new friends that we have been adventuring with for the past three days, and did I mention they are totally QUEER!!!! YES!!!!! and pretty damn cute too)
Looking at Seals up really close and seeing sea lions (they are SOOOOO adorable, I totally want to be a harbor seal in my next life)
Biking down the Hill after our huge trek up the hill, pushing my 100lb bike. The down hill was more amazing than anything i've ever seen in my entire life. We were in a redwood forrest that had overgrown and taken over the old 101. It was incredible. There was even a moment when you could both see the ocean and the redwoods, possibly the most beautiful thing ever. And we got to ride under, next to, over, around, and between GIANT redwoods (I now have a far greater understanding of Earth Liberation Front folks than I EVER have before.)
The incredible downhill right before the hostel we stayed at and then staying in the hostel and cooking some incredibly delicous food (including fake tofurky sausages that were so delicious and drinking tea that Ami made from herbs ze found on the mountain we went up).
Getting our ass up again on the day we thought would be our day off and riding a gorgeous day through the state redwood forrest and looking at all the beautious huge tall trees and going soooooooooo fast (definately between 40 and 50mph for numerous miles with Ami). We got into town (really smelly, dirty, hippy white dreadlocke town) Arcata and went to see harry Potter!!!! So fun (racist movie, great special effects)...

note from megan: most of my ups and downs are the same. the past few days have been extra challenging for me physically and on that trail where we had to push/carry our bikes up hundreds of feet of gravel/root/overgrown trail, with a cliff directly to our right the whole time that would send one tumbling through hundreds of feet of rainforest and boulders before it sent you careening into the ocean... well there it was also emotionally challenging. I've really enjoyed hanging out with our new travel buddies too. Elokin and I had some great chats yesterday as Ami and Jason rode ahead. We had a great discussion about gender on a trip like this and I really appreciate Jason for being one of the most receptive and pre-emptive communicators with me now. Thanks to everyone who has been writing on the blog and sending personal e-mails. Keep em comin.

jason and megan

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Day 9

Oh Bandon Public Library, how we love thee. We've spent the past hour oggling our e-mail and the news. It's almost as satisfying as the doughnut I ate yesterday. It's becoming difficult at this point to remember what we've seen and done day to day but we'll give it our best shot.

We were very happy to get out of Lincoln City on the 8th, so happy that we rode 80 miles and it was hands-down the most gorgeous and interesting day yet. We stopped every mile or two it seemed to gawk at some beach or cliff. Among the many sites were: starfish, sea aneminies, sea lions, harbor seals, and whales. The Oregon Coast has become one of our favorite places, though Jason isn't ready to move yet. (Will this kid ever get tired of Boston?) We gave ourselves permission to stop at a campsite after 60 some miles but thought, heck let's just go another 20 and catch up after our day off. woah dogs, the first three miles made us quickly regret that decision but after a while the wind eased up and we finally made it to the campsite. Lots of folks were there, including a GIANT slug! It was sick! It was perched or rather, draped, over the faucet at the hiker/biker site. ew.

The next day we rose after pretty much everyone else had packed up and left camp, enjoyed some oatmeal and headed off. Megan's knee was bothering her a bit more, so we went in low gears... really slowly. This day, for many reasons was our least favorite thus far, mainly because of the weather. It was cloudy, cool, and can really be summed up in one word: wind (more on that later). We did however meet a lovely woman who gave us many blessings for biking so far and we really liked her until we found out that she was a white supremacist. We put on our "this is really freaky, let's get out of here" smiles and went back on the crappy road. Many miserable hours later, we arrived at the campsite and met two really awesome tourists also traveling to san fran. They're actually internetting right beside us now. We sat around the fire for a couple hours talking about activism and who we were and ended the night with hot showers and a lovely thing called Advil PM.

This morning we awoke (again the last ones out of camp) and proceeded to climb hill, after hill, after mountain, after hill. We were chased by a few groups of dogs but FINALLY made it back to the coast where we belong. Food is next on our agenda.

Note from Megan: When you're biking for hours a day, you really have a lot of time to think. My goal has been to do as little of that as possible, but the few times I am thinking throughout the day I'm usually pondering one thing. This thing has led me to have new religious beliefs, which is surprising because I haven't had any really for the past 2 years. But let me tell you about who I am now devoting my life to: the Wind God. The Wind God is an all-powerful being that can be your best friend (as it was when it pushed me up a huge hill without me having to push a pedal) or your worst enemy (as it tried to heave me off a 2 mile bridge we had to walk our bikes across that also happened to be 300 feet in the air - TERRIFYING!!!) I try to praise the Wind God every chance I get with words, song, and pleas for mercy. More on this as I continue to embark on this religious experience.

We're being kicked off by 10 year-olds now, so see ya soon. Let us know you y'all are doing.

Livin' large,
Jason and Megan

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Day 6

Here we are in Lincoln City, Oregon at the Public Library yet again! After our last blog entry we continued day 4 by biking along the GORGEOUS 3 capes scenic bike route. It was so beautiful. We came upon a dripping waterfall, which we attempted to climb. Jason pushed Megan up the first part. Megan couldn't go up any higher, and Jason couldn't come up to meet her because there was absolutely nothing to hold on to so a mere 7 feet off the ground we had to turn around and broke into a hysterics as Jason helped Megan off the waterfall. It's one of those things you need a video of to understand just how ridiculous it was. The wind was pretty awful going around the first cape but once on the other side it was gorgeous. We climbed an incredibly steep hill (Jason finally used his lowest gear) and saw an awesome view at the top. A few substantial hills later we started descending into one of the most majestic sites we've yet to see: gorgeous blue/green ocean for miles, white beaches, rock covered beaches with people out fishing, and a luscious island in the middle of it all. We spent several miles biking around it all. Jason yelled out "WOW" and "AMAZING!" which surely sounded hilarious to the fishers as we sped by. Finally, we reached Cape Lookout around 6pm. We were told the best sites at the campground were the hiker/biker sites and sure enough. We were literally behind the first line of trees from the beach. We encountered a minor travesty when we noticed that one of the tent poles appeared to be broken. Jason suggested tying off the string and just going with the pole as is but Megan insisted that wouldn't work. As Megan went off to find the park ranger and try to get some help Jason diligently threaded the tent pole and had it completely fixed just as Megan came back with some duct tape. It was a definite Lydon moment (for those of you who would understand what that is). We cooked dinner on some rocks, watched the sunset, and listened to the waves as we fell asleep.
Day 5 began with Megan falling off her bike. Don't worry, she was actually stopped (and yes, dad, I was wearing my helmet. We both have been the entire trip). Her shoes lock into her pedals and sometimes don't come out very easily. This would be the second time this has happened. Later that day she loosened the tension on the pedals so hopefully that won't happen anymore. The first 2.7 miles of the day was an ENORMOUS hill. We were fighting the cars and giant trucks for access to the street that had no shoulder. We fought our way to the top and after lots of huffing and puffing we succeeded and had the pleasure of looking back and seeing all the area we had biked for the past couple of days. Pretty incredible. We shot down that windy (as in left right left right, not as in wind woooooosh) hill with the wind whipping in numerous directions as we made our way to the base of a little three hill ride. Up and down those hills we saw all the multi-million dollar homes we will own one day and wind surfers who would entertain us as we sip mojitos on our patio. Soon we came to the second giant hill of the day. We again made it to the peak (all 775 feet of it) and that glided down it hitting something like 40 miles per hour, CRAZY fast!!! We eventually came into Lincoln City where we told ourselves we could stay in a motel and go to the movies. We found ourselves at a Motel 6 and flopped on the bed for a while before venturing out for some dinner. We ate at a super cute little cafe and sat next to some amazingly boisterous gay men (total bears, they were adorable) who couldn't have possibly been more bourgeois though, it was hilarious. Then we were told we could find a movie theater just up the road on the left. We were so glad to be done riding our bikes for a day (we decided to mark Saturday as a day of rest) so we set off walking. Well... just up the road on the left soon became nearly 4 miles up the road. We did, eventually, make it aaaaaalllll the way there (walking that is) and got to see Transformers (INCREDIBLE, and long). After that we took a cab back to the motel 6 to fall asleep so perfectly in a delightful bed (first time in 7 nights).
This morning Megan got up early, because that's what she does, and took care of all our dirty clothes (many thanks from Jason who just slept after coughing all night). Then we began our day with some Starbucks before heading off to the library for hours of fun on the internet!!!! And here we are.
As we pulled up to this library to lock our bikes we noticed another touring bike. When we got to the internerd Jason quickly spotted the biker and said hello. She has been biking up the Pacific Coast since the southern tip of Chile FOR 2 YEARS!!! Goodness! She's trying to make it to Alaska. She's had several different buddies throughout her journey but is doing the last leg on her own. Incredible!
We forgot to mention some of the hilarious things that happened on the first few days. By far the funniest was when we first stepped onto the beach, in Cannon Beach, and Megan remembered an article she read in Vogue... or maybe People, and proceeded to tell Jason about it.
Megan: Have you seen the new Muslim bathing suit?
Jason: ... Is this a racist joke?
We now realize that it doesn't sound as funny writing it as it was in real life but we are still laughing out loud about it 4 days after the fact. There have been many good belly laughs on this trip. We've realized there's a stark difference between bike tours by oneself and tours with your bestie. The former being depressing and lonely at times when things aren't going well and the latter being hysterical when you have someone with whom to share the minor misery (ie: sore butts, scraped knees, giant hills, falling off your bike, walking 4 miles after biking all day, etc)
As we like to say everytime we're off "Next stop, St. Helens!" But for reals it will be Florence.
- Jason and Megan

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Day 4

We are currently in Tillamook, OR, and as James commented they do appear to love their cheese. We are slightly estatic right now because God has shone down upon us and completely decimated a giant hill from today's route, so we say "Thank you, God!"
We haven't posted for the past few days as we were significantly winded from the first HUGANTIC hill (megan calls it mountain) that we went up. Also, there hasn't really been a library to stop at until now. The first day was delightful. We went 72 really long miles (by delightful i mean really really really really really hard). We were drastically lied to by some bike shop folks about a "scenic" route that became the route from HELL. Some day we'll go back and tell them what we think about their "scenic" route...
We spent the first night in Catskanie, OR at their lovely city park. We were overjoyed to finally have arrived and pleased to see a carnival was in town. After stretching and locking up we ate, were warned about the carnies (jason calls them "crushable"), told we didn't look like "bike people" and that Chicken Run would be playing in the park, and finally made it over to the carnival to ride the ferris wheel. Jason tried to kill Megan on a stand-up teeter totter. When we went to the tent we found Chicken Run was set up right next to our tent-site. We slept fairly well despite it.
Day two we woke up with the intention of getting a whopping 36 miles under our belt for the day. We had been warned that the hills we were to hit might kill us. However, they were not all that bad. We got our 36 miles done in a completely reasonable amount of time and essentially uneventfully (minus the ABSOLUTELY beautiful view of the Columbia River). We ended the night with some great hang out on a human made beach in front of the holiday inn. We ate chili from amy's (finally getting to use the stove we brought, jason is so domestic) and finally went to pitch our tent for another illegal night of camping. Unfortunately when we got to our chosen site there was a couple sitting on the bench making out while their dog was running around. While Jason stood awkwardly by Megan was able to walk right up and interupt their intimate moment with, "Ummm... I'm just going to work on my bike on the other end of the picnic table... is that okay... great." After we worked on our bikes for a moment the two intruders in our space went away and we began to pitch our tent. We were soon visited by another friend who called himself, Brother Dan. Brother Dan chatted with Jason for some time, nearly 15 minutes maybe, about the ins and outs of the area. He ended the conversation with, "If the cops bother you tell them Brother Dan said you could stay here and that they should FUCK OFF!". And with that helpful advice he staggered off into the night. Good night Brother Dan. And off we went to sleep (minus jason who didn't fall asleep till about 1:00am and held closely to his swiss army knife incase the police did come).
Day 3 AKA The Best Day. We actually managed to wake up at 6:30am but for some reason were unable to take off until about 8:30. Wehn we did though it was sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. We spent the first 10 or 15 miles breezing down 101 and finally saw the ocean. It was a glorious sight. We made it to Seaside, let Megan see the end of the Lewis and Clark trail and take a picture(she teaches it to her students), and were mistaken for the beginning of the Seaside Fourth of July parade, hilarious! We decided we better get back on our way until Jason said "Look! There's a helicopter... wait, we can RIDE the helicopter." And then we did. After watching a short safety video, signing our lives away, and handing over a credit card, we were escorted to the chopper and shown the beautiful Oregon Coast from one of the few perspectives our bikes couldn't give us. Gary, our pilot kept our nerves at safe levels. Back on bikes to Cannon Beach which is darned near the most gorgeous thing we ever did see. Goonies was filmed there. We played for a bit in the water and sand, before finishing the day on two giant hills (aka mountains). We had to pass through an uphill tunnel (we didn't die!!! Praise the lord!) and go down the dangerously steep, gravelly, and windy (as in wind whoooooosh) other side. However, it did allow for a spectacular view of the ocean and surrounding area and we saw our first gays at the summit. We begrudgingly pedaled the extra 2 miles of hills to the campsite, showered (indescribable), ate more chili, and went to bed. We fell asleep to the area's rendition of the Star Spangled Banner.
This morning began with a challenge to be ready to go in 45 minutes. We made it in about 55. Record timing for us! We headed out of camp (jason's chain fell off for a moment but with bicycle expertise he got it back on... stupid squirrel) and found our way back to the 101. We headed down the 101 up and down and up and down and up up up up up up up up up up and down down down down and then it was FLAT and the wind was at our backs. We were riding free (and with some delicious not vegan pancakes in our bellies) it seemed like sailing really (our proposal to the environmentalists is to level ALL hills and make room for flat riding, it rules!). We are about to conclude our day with a 22 mile "scenic" route (this time not recommended by FOOLS) and we will go to sleep after eating some home made thai peanut sauce with tofu over elbows with broccoli.
Of course it hasn't all been ocean and lollipops. Jason's lungs are still struggling every now and again. Megan's feet keep losing circulation from her stupid, yet stylish, shoes. She's also developed some problem in her right knee. Overall though the trip is everything we have dreamed. More to come from Megan and Jason as the saga continues... (we're basically the harry potter movies)

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Just Kidding

So unfortunately today, Sunday, I (Jason) got pretty sick. I had to get a prescription for some asthma medication and allergy stuff and we were unable to leave for our trip. I'm feeling so much better though (breathing well instead of feeling like I'm dying, it's pretty great) and we plan to head out in the morning, Albuteral inhaler in hand. With that, we are off to the coast!!!


The past two nights we've been staying with our friend Paula and her partner Andrea in one of the most fantastic apartments we've seen. Jason and Paula greeted me at the airport by smashing a chocolate doughnut into my face and causing somewhat of a scene. We spent yesterday buying all sorts of necessities, happened to meet our future husband, Andrew, and ate at a vegan, pirate restaurant/bar. Sweet day. Today we need to find Jason an inhaler, pack up, and head out. We're headed north first, towards Astoria on Route 30 (see link below)
Map of Portland, OR US
We probably won't make it the whole way today which will make it all the more sweet to see the coast tomorrow. Live large!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

T minus 4 days

We start our journey in a mere four days. The school year officially ends in 1hour and 53 minutes (I'm on my prep now) and can't wait to get to oregon. Jason is chillin in portland, getting things together, and enjoying the lack of meetings and countless responsibilities he has back home. We can't wait to share our adventures with you. Megan's students may be reading the blog so please keep your comments tactful at all times. Thanks and keep in touch.
jason and megan